Thursday, April 5, 2012



Garrison Keillor on the Prairie Home Companion radio show tells the story of his uncle who, at annual family gatherings during Holy Week, would read the story of the Passion and death of Jesus. And each year, as he read the Passion account he would burst into tears. The family would sit awkwardly until the man was able to continue the reading. Keillor commented that his uncle took the death of his Lord "so personally." Keillor would pause in his story, then add: "The rest of the church had gotten over that years ago."


Dear Jesus, could it be that we are like “the rest of the church?” Could it be that we have heard the Passion narrative so often that it really doesn’t mean that much to us? Maybe we ought to be like Garrison Keillor’s uncle and take it personally. Jesus, we now enter into the week that we call “holy.” Whether or not it really will be “holy” will depend on us. This week we will have the opportunity to walk with you on the way to Calvary. We will have the opportunity to participate in the beautiful liturgies on Holy Thursday and Good Friday and at the truly magnificent Easter Vigil Service on Saturday night. Thank you, Jesus, for making that journey to Calvary to show us how much you love us. Now we want to make that journey with you to let you know how much we love you.

Hope you are having a Great Holy Week.

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